I have an onlder sister and a younger sister which make me the middle one ='( my oldest sister sings and performs in diffrent places like in churches parades festivals and whatever. my youngest sister has dance mexican folk for 8 years now. My mom is always excited ot buy her her dresses and stuff. Sometimes they even performed in the same shows. But anywho, I dont sing or i dont dance atleast not mexican folk. ITs great that my sisters are into that but im not. I alwasy get punished for not wanting to go. Ive told them many times that i am into diffrent things and not that. I hate going !! i hate it! i rather be home alone bored outta my gutts than watch them. i am into diffrent thing like art , rock music, my friend and my boyfriend. i think my parents should accept me the way i am and stop trying to make me like my sisters. I need help im gettting really fustrated!!!!!!!!!!=[
oh and im 17 going to be 18 in 3 months
How can I make my parents understand that I different?shows
that must be so annoying that your parents aren't letting you do the things you want to do, rather the things your sisters want to do. how about asking to go to a rock concert or something or panting at home to show that you really are into different things. sit down with them and just tell them what's on your mind, your almost eighteen and you shouldn't be sucked into doing things that don't intrest you. but still be happy for your sisters...
How can I make my parents understand that I different?comedy show opera theater
smash a xbox
tell them you have grown up and that u haev a diffrent life style now
Dont hittem... u go to jai for that now days. just go to the millitary.
wait 3 months.
try a sport?
You can be different and still go support your sisters.
Well even if you don't like the shows, you should go to support you sisters. I think it would be a problem if they were trying to make you actually participate. But since they are only making you watch, just suck it up.
puch a hole in your wall
Tell them that you have gotten older and that you want to be who you are, not who everyone else think that you should be. Let them know that you are now your own person and your old enough to make your own decisions.
OR... you could grow up a bit, and just go... right now it seems like a total pain in the backside, but I promise you that it will mean something to all of you 20 years from now when you get together... try to enjoy it, and to do so because it means something to your sisters.
just keep trying to get it trough to your parents in a reasonable way, and then eventually they'll just accept it
tell them this. that you do not want to be like your sisters, that you are an individual and you will be like that forever.
Well maybe you should talk to your parents about how you don't want to go.
my wife and I had 3 daughters the middle one was different for about 25 yrs but she finely came around
Well, I think that even though it's BORING you should go see your sisters perform. BUT, you can't just sit around doing NOTHING all day. Maybe on the weekend, you can ask your mom if you can take an art class, then your sisters will have to come to your art shows! Also, next time you're watching your sisters, start asking you mom about the dances or the songs. The history might be very interesting and give you ideas for art work! Might as well bring your friend and your boyfriend too. Maybe you can leave early after your sister performs. If you go to a couple without putting up a fight, then maybe your mom will let you skip a couple here and there! Good luck!
well u know what talk to them and explain how u feel tell them exactly what u said in the details of the question and they should understand
Perhaps your mom wants you to show support to your sisters? But if that's the case, your sister should be supportive of you too. Sometime parents really don't understand. I'm a middle child too. Older bro and sis, and younger bro and sis. I understand what your saying... Just do your own thing but without being disrespectful to your family.
If they push to hard they will push you out. tell them your feelings, you have the right to be heard. not everybody has talent, I don't and I think I turned out all right. anyway about you, Do what is in your heart as the song goes your heart will find its way.
You know what you need to do Kate, you need to sit down and talk to your mom...In a calm tone tell her what you said here, tell her your proud of your sisters but you are a different person...They do need to except that you are different, not everyone can sing or dance or enjoy doing so...You are your own person...
how 2 make your parents understand is that u should c if they have free time and have a talk with them tellin them u r different they will understand if u guys have a talk and alone
Sounds ruff :-( This will most likely become a huge personality complex later in life.
It sounds to me like all your parents expect from you is to be there for your sibblings and support them when they are performing.
Being there for them is not the same as BEING LIKE THEM.
You are too old to be caring this much about what your siblings do or don't do. You are an adult as far as I am concerned, I am 30. I think you should stop worrying about making your parents understand you and focus on the fact that you are blessed to have a good sense of self, good friends, interests in creativity...I know it would feel nice to be included by your parents in a way similar to that of your siblings, however I think you can do without the extra attention- at your age you should start thinking about creating your own life, separate from your parents- you will always have your siblings, make sure not to allow animosity grow towards them because of your parents actions (or lack thereof). Assume your parents just don't share your interests, or maybe they have no idea HOW to- lead and they will follow...apply to art school, move in with your friend, study art history...volunteer at a museum, join a band...
Good luck!
Sit down and talk with them-- tell them you're your own person and your tired of them trying to make you into something your not, because you'll never be that, and if they're not happy with your choices, maybe you can stay with a friend for a bit, at least until they have time to gather their thoughts on this...
First I want to tell you that you are right, your parents should accept that you are different, why? because we are all different and should be accepted for it.
But from life coach prespective, I can tell you that it is not easy having kids that are so different and people will do things that are not good for them to force their kids to be the same.
If you think about it, going to school is meant to make all kids be as much as possible, THE SAME, a goal that will never work, but still, millions of schools around the world, aim to do that, uniform, subjects, hours of learning, parents accept it because it is easy for everyone, it is not the best, but it is the easy way.
you are unique and will stay unique and different even if your parents will not accept it. It is not easy when parents do not accpet it, but it is possible!
So you are right, it is only a question of wheather you are able or not able to explain it to them.
some suggestions:
1. go sometimes to the events to see your sisters
2. sit down and talk to them about it, tell them that they don't want you out of their life only because they don't accept you they way you are. ( after so many years of frustrations, you'll end your relationship with them)
3. ask your sisters for help
4. write your parents a letter to explain this.
5. Ask help from another family member.
and remember, never, never,never give up your uniquness even for your mum and dad
Ronit Baras
Tell them it's your life and you would rather spend your time doing something else. I have the same problem only opposite my mom accepts me and I get to do what I want.
Your parents seem pretty unreasonable for not accepting you as you are but you should probably make the effort to go to your sisters shows every once in a while for moral support. You have already talked to them but why not have your sisters do it for you next time that way they don't feel your being bratty or whatever.
Hi friend,
The problem with some parents is unmindfully a lot of times they are pitting siblings against each other. It's understandable that parents will be excited when their kids are excelling in some field. But sad to say, they almost always demand the next child in line to follow the footstep of the other. Believe me, I understand your parents' feelings well. You see, my eldest son is 12 years old and is considered sort of a math whiz in his school. In fact he has already competed internationally. But my other 3 kids aren't as good as him. It would be cruel for me to rub it in their faces for not meeting up to the standards. But I've seen parents of other kids do that and as a result cause disharmony within their siblings. My advise is to have a heart to heart talk with your parents. Tell them you have a different interest and that "please, don't force you to attend things you're not interested in". But please don't make the mistake of going into a yelling match with them and don't even try to win any arguement contest with them. Even if your words make sense, they will never let you know. Just tell them what you feel, then walk away and go on with your life. Believe me, your message will find it's way home. It might not come immediately, but in time it will.
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