Saturday, December 5, 2009

I have questions for Romeo and Juliet ACT 5?

Act 5: Scene 1

1. How confident are Brutus and Cassius that they will win the battle?

2. What does Brutus plan to do if the conspirators lose the battle?

3. How are Mark Antony and Octavius Caesar getting along with one another?

Act 5: Scene 2

1. Whose army does Brutus confront in battle?

Act 5: Scene 3

1. Whose army does Cassius confront in battle?

2. What has happened to put Cassius at the disadvantage in the battle?

3. What does Pindarus report to Cassius? Is the report accurate?

4. What last service does Pindarus perform for Casssius?

5. What happens to Titinius? Why?

6. What does Brutus mean when he says, “O Julius Caesar, thou art might yetl. Thy spirit walks abroad, and turns our swords in our own roper entrails.”?

Act 5: Scene 4 %26amp; 5

1. Explain the dramatic irony in the following lines that Brutus speaks: “My heart doth joy that yet in all my life I found no man but he was true to me.”

2. What last service does Strato perform for Brutus?

3. Compare the deat

I have questions for Romeo and Juliet ACT 5?soap opera

First of all, these questions are from Julius Caesar, not Romeo and Juliet.

What a sad commentary on your literacy!

I have questions for Romeo and Juliet ACT 5?city opera opera theater

a question? more like 13 questions. And that's not Romeo and Juliet by the way. Why don't you just do your homework? really it's not that hard.

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