He quotes Fabrizio Colona as saying this pertaining to the tendency of the 'princes' (in this case we would consider them our politicians) to pay attention to leisurely activities such as planting trees instead of paying attention to the world.
How would you relate this quote to present day politics?
"How much better, then, would those princes have done if they had endeavored to imitate the ancients in bearing hardships and inconveniences, instead of giving themselves up to ease and indolence, in performing such exploits as were done in the sunshine and not in the shade, in following their example while the continued honest and wholesome, and not when they became dishonest and corrupt? For once these pleasures had distracted my fellow Romans, our country soon fell into ruins."
IN Machiavelli's The Art of War?chinese theater
...it is present day politics in this country right now and I think all countries are susceptible as well...we all need to get politicians in this country back on the path of moral recovery(and I don't mean an evangelical path)...or..."...lest America lose it's soul..."
IN Machiavelli's The Art of War?opera mini opera theater...thanks...and may we change the world,espaecially our own: one word at a time. Report It
...learn how to teach before you can speak there IHOP...i've tired of your ranting without reason...so,which way is the tooth brush facing....North or South? Report It
Better go back and do some proof reading, I am not following ya.
Machiavelli did talk about war......but its sun tzu's Art of War..
Machiavelli is outdated by the current world system! Politicians are not princes anymore, the bankers are!
Your analogy don`t hold ground!!
You know, its funny to think that the world is still working like 400 years ago, and nothing has evolved... No things have really changed, but they were clever enough, not to put this in writings!!
The only Machiavelli I have read is the "Prince". I'm not quite sure what he was trying to say. I better translation might help. I think he is saying that modern (to him) rulers weren't doing their jobs %26amp; that hurt society.
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