Pok茅mon parallel demons. They are captured and must be invoked to perform tasks.
Magical 'talismans' (gym badges) are necessary to control many of them.
'Magical' stones are used to evolve certain Pok茅mon.
Many Pok茅mon have paranormal or psychic powers. These powers are not stated to be derived from God and therefore, according to certain Christian doctrine, must stem from Satan (although this is not stated either).
Many Pok茅mon embody or practice Asian spiritual and mystical concepts. For example, some practice martial arts, which some Christian groups denounce as a gateway to pagan religions. The game world also incorporates Asian traditions about elemental forces.
Some Pok茅mon (such as Houndoom and Murkrow) resemble witches or demons.
Do u think that it should be off the air
So Pokemon is santanic so why isnt it off televisions?plays
No. If your religion is no stronger than Pokemon, you're in trouble.
So Pokemon is santanic so why isnt it off televisions?opera ticket opera theater
No. Pokemon is the greatest show to evr be created. EVER.
"So Pokemon is santanic "
I didn't know Carlos Santana had anything to do with Pokemon
But in all seriousness. If you want to believe that anything is SATANIC, that is your own business. If you don't want to believe that, then that is your own business too. However, I am not the type of person that will call someone or something a satan worshiper or satanic just because it's something I don't understand or don't believe in.
omg are you serious? and i guess the telly tubbies are gay right?
I would think that those were really good points if I was a Jesus freak. But fortunally I'm not and I'll continue to hug my cute little Torchic doll and laugh in the faces of all the people who belive anything you just said.
I was sad about this when I found it out cause my grandson just loved them! We both found out about the same time and he lost interest shortly after a tobad thing. As for it being on tv everything goes on it sadly.
well if you take into account its only a cartoon,no it shouldn't be off the air.
i've never really watched it, but i love squirtle and psyduck and um.. growlithe? the fox thingy with a few tails.
it's great and every kid should watch it.. too bad i'm not a kid or i'd watch it every day
i think that everyone should stop trying to controll everybody else. maybe it is maybe its not who cares, teach your own kids your beliefs and leave mine alone!!!
Well, sounds like you live in the US... and in the US, I believe there were these amendment things on some paper written by some guys back about 230 ago or so... something about freedom of religion.. and these other "federalist" type papers about "separation of church and state".
Sarcasm aside, no, it's silly to have something removed from the air waves just because it doesn't perfectly align with another's religion. Isn't the US "suppozedly" fighting a war in the mideast to prevent these types of things from happening in other countries? That would be a bit hypocritical if they began removing their own TV programs due to religion...
I think the original "poster" is being a bit of an alarmist... if you put your mind to it, you can probably argue anything to be "demonic" and "paganistic" that doesn't directly promote Christianity. If you true believe this about the show, do as another poster said they did, simply cease watching and supporting it... but I wouldn't recommend infringing on other's rights to view what they choose based off of your own beliefs.
Not one of those things you've said actually has anything to do with Satanism. Paranormal abilities and psychic powers aren't Satanic. Asian religion and paganism have nothing to to with Satanism. Talismans and stones have nothing to do with Satanism. Even the concept of 'demons' as used by the Pokemon creators, magical creatures embodying principles of nature or human civilizations (similiar to elves, fairies, animal totems or even angels) has nothing to do with Satanism.
Before you make wild accusations, perhaps you should find out what the term you're using actually means.
Santanic, huh? I thought it would've been satanic.
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